Things that are happening here. WE HAD CHANGES! And just like all of the lovely hermanas that I have been with, little Hermana M. was called as an Hermana Leader :) And I got called to TRAIN! I am so excited! I have been praying and working for this opportunity my entire mission. After working hard to retrain the ones that were trained wrong, I have learned the importance of training the right way. A little greenie is a sponge that sucks up whatever the trainer does, so I have to do it right.
It is a great parallel to life, if we have children and don't teach by example, why on earth would our children grow up to be great people? They wouldn't. There are very few people that forge their own path and I sure hope I get a good little gringa to help forge her own path because I want my hija to be better than I am.
I feel very humbled to know that God has answered my prayers and is giving me a chance to do something that I have always wanted to do. I pray that He gives me the patience, the love, and the understanding that is needed to help this new little hermana wherever she is. I know I can't do it alone.
Love how the Lord knows each one of us so well.
Hermana Farner