Monday, February 23, 2015


So the dead body. I was walking down the street and there it was... no just kidding, there was this investigator that invited us into his house and literally right there in the living room was a coffin with a dead guy. I guess they were doing a viewing.... I was rather surprised.
Well we had cambios again and Little Pino left! I have been called as a sister training leader which means I do splits and am in charge of making sure that other missionaries are doing what they are supposed to be doing. I am with my best friend in the mission Hermana T. She is legit. We have been friends the whole mission and finally we are comps. 
Sent president a letter today about recieving permission to extend my mission until June. Although I will miss a lot of good things in May, I really feel like it is what I have to do. We will see if he approves it, but I do feel at peace with the decision.
A great attribute that I will learn this change is the importance of being a leader and an organized leader at that. We are fighting to keep a barrio together, baptize, reactivate, retain, and train 10 companionships of sisters.
Pray for us.
Love you lots!
Hermana Farner

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